26 Jul

Hard to believe it's the last week of July.  Summer days are getting shorter. Now when I get up at 5  it's still dark, but birds are still singing. I miss that in the winter.

Today would have been my 36 year anniversary were it not for the neglect that my husband suffered at the hands of ALDEN ESTATES OF NAPERVILLE. It's been 4 and half years since the ALDEN GROUP stole his life. The ALDEN GROUP continues to steel days from me by dragging out the lawsuit. This is why no one SHOULD EVER CONSIDER ANY ALDEN FACILITY. When they hurt or kill someone they NEVER WANT TO ADMIT LIBILITY NOR DO THEY EVER APOLGIZE TO THE FAMILY.

So as I wait for justice, I've begun taking my friends advice and getting out meeting new people. There have been a few set backs in this journey though. A dear friend of mine passed in December, and a new friend is battling small cell lung cancer. Please keep him in your prayers, it is a battle that will only end in his death in a year or so. Because of his encouragement and the encouragement of my friends and sister, who all moved out of Illinois, I joined Meetup.com. I've met two new girlfriends and we have been enjoying this summer.

As the season of first harvest approaches, my garden is providing tomatoes, lettuce and cucumbers. The celery is about to come to harvest. The acorn squash has a bit to go yet.

I've been busy getting ready for show season. Doing two in September,  will post more about that next month, along with the direction of this blog and the future of my little shop A Tree and a Prairie. For now I wish you all the best. Enjoy the rest of the summer, get out there and make some great memories!  

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